hemmingford@nfsb.qc.ca 450 247-2022
** Calendar Update ** Due to Snow Days - March 21, April 11, May 20 are now regular school days **

Hemmingford Newsletter – March 17 – 28, 2025

Safety First! Morning Drop-Off

Dropping your child off in the morning and there are still students on the playground? Please bring your child to the playground gate. The supervisor will be able to open the gate if necessary. This is a safer and supervised drop-off, and they will enter the school together with the other students and supervisor.  Please only drop them off at the main office if the supervisor has already come inside from the playground with the other students.

Coming Up @ HES!

Here are our upcoming activities and info, as well as Ms. Shaw’s schedule for the next two weeks. You can reach out to Ms. Shaw when she’s at Franklin, or email anytime at cshaw@nfsb.qc.ca 🙂

March 14
Artists Inspire workshop – Percussion and dance

March 17
Ms. Shaw – HES & FES
St. Patrick’s Day

March 18
Ms. Shaw – NFSB
Governing Board Meeting

March 19
Ms. Shaw – HES

March 20
First Day of Spring
Ms. Shaw – FES
Floor Hockey after school (Until April 10)

March 21
REGULAR school day – Ped Day cancelled
Ms. Shaw – FES & HES

March 24
Student Coalition
Ms. Shaw – FES

March 25
Ms. Shaw – HES
Artists Inspire Workshop – Percussion and Dance

March 26
6:00 p.m.Governing Board Meeting
Ms. Shaw – FES

March 27
Ms. Shaw – HES

March 28
Ms. Shaw – FES & HES
PPO Student Brunch

Create to Get Closer Mural Activity

Thanks to La Francoderole, philanthropic partner of the “Creating Connections” program, with support from the municipality of Hemmingford and the Government of Canada, our students had the opportunity to create a mural in collaboration with students from Saint-Romain School on February 26 and 27.  Each class had an opportunity to participate in painting, and then final touches were made by students from both schools working together.  We hope you enjoy the photos below of this collaborative effort.  Please also keep your eye out for an article in The Gleaner written by Hemmingford Elementary students working with Sarah Rennie.

Caisse Scolaire Dates

You’re ‘Paw’some! Recognizing All the ‘Paws’itive Things our Hemmingford Huskies do!

Once again, at the end of the February we highlighted ‘paws’itive actions from our students at a school assembly.  When an adult gives a student a ‘paws’itive, they are entered into a monthly draw to pick a reward for their class.  One student from each class is drawn and their ‘paw’ is also displayed on our Huskie bulletin board.  These are our February ‘Paw’some students.

Pull Tab Donations Needed!

Mme Hébert is collecting the pull tabs from cans. These tabs are collected to help a friend whose little boy was born with Brittle Bone Disease. They are collecting the tabs to help purchase a special mobility device for him. If you have any cans in your recycling and would like to help, please send the tabs (not the cans) to Mme Hébert at school. She will be collecting for the rest of the school year. Thank you!

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